Social Security Disability

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Social Security Disability

If you have been permanently injured due to a disease, mental issues, personal injury or work-related injury, there is help available in the form of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The federal Social Security system is designed to help people who can no longer work.
It does not matter whether you have worked or paid money into Social Security. All that matters is that you need help and it is available if you know how to apply for Social Security.

At The Ebbert Law Firm, we can help you file a claim for Social Security to obtain monthly Social Security Disability benefits as well as retroactive benefits from the time that you initially filed a claim. We are here to make the law work for you.

  • There are no legal fees unless we succeed in getting your monthly benefits approved.
  • No cookie cutters: Because no two cases are the same, we learn about your circumstances and then chart a course that gives you the best chance for success.
  • Working as a team, you and our office will seek the best result possible.

The Social Security Disability Appeals Process

Many claims for disability benefits are turned down the first time. This is a normal part of the process and indicates that it is time to hire an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer. The Ebbert Law Firm will help you get through the application and appeal process successfully because we know the Social Security system.


Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are designed to help aged, blind and disabled people receive income to meet their daily needs. Many people qualify to receive these benefits based on their situation.

However, some people either don’t know they qualify or have been told they don’t qualify by the Social Security Administration. Even though you may have been told you don’t qualify, it’s not necessarily true. At The Ebbert Law Firm, we can help you appeal an incorrect decision and work towards obtaining the monthly check you need.

Services We Provide

As part of our service at The Ebbert Law Firm, we can help you file your initial application as well as any necessary appeals. Unfortunately, the process to receive SSD and SSI is not straightforward. Numerous federal forms must be filled out properly. We will assist you in this process. We also prepare all necessary documents and evidence for a trial before a judge. This includes presenting proper medical evidence and treatment to show why you are entitled to receive a social security benefit.

Our office will process your claim for Social Security Disability benefits on a contingency basis. This means that you will not have to pay attorney fees unless we win your case. If we are successful, our fees are taken out as a percentage of your past benefits. We never take fees out of the monthly benefits you will receive.

If you have worked so hard and are overwhelmed by the wear and tear of life, call us at 865-229-8509 today or fill out our online contact form. From our offices in Knoxville, we help people throughout eastern Tennessee.

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